
Sorelle, Italian for "sisters," has been a dream of mine for years now. I am the oldest of three girls and now have two little girls of my own, so naturally Sorelle could not be more fitting!
I was born in Fairhope, Alabama and raised in The Woodlands, Texas. Needless to say, smocked clothing, Heirloom dresses & big bows are in my blood! I went to the University of Mississippi before marrying my highschool sweetheart. When we got married Patrick was a Nuclear Mechanic for the US Navy. During his 8.5 years in, we were stationed in Newport News, Virginia and Saratoga Springs, New York.
Prior to children, I was an Aesthetician and Licensed Massage Therapist for 10 years. While we were in New York I owned a Spa Boutique which I absolutely loved. I love everything about the beauty industry! I always knew I wanted to have a boutique of my own back home, especially if I had little girls!
After Patrick got out of the military we moved back to our home state of Texas. A year later our go-getter Brooklyn Sophia was born. Two years (& one day) later, our sweet Charlotte Grace was born.
Southern Sorelle all started with purchasing an embroidery machine from a friend to monogram clothing for my own girls. I always planned on starting an embroidery business but not until the girls were in kindergarden. Then Covid-19. Covid forced me (along with the world) to slow down. I finally turned on my embroidery machine for the first time. I started embroidering my 4year old & 2 year old's clothing. I started posting videos on my personal Instastories. Dear, sweet friends encouraged me to take a leap of faith and turn my quarantine hobby into a business. April 26, 2020 Southern Sorelle became official!
In July 2021, my husband's job transferred us from San Antonio to Padre Island, Texas. We sure miss our San Antonio family but we are settling into our new home & loving living at the beach.
My vision is to offer personalized embroidery on boutique clothing and timeless home decor. I have learned I have a real soft spot for newborn Take Home outfits. There is something so special about creating the very first piece of clothing a new precious life will ever wear!
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason at all. If you are needing sizes or colors I do not have in stock please contact me. Chances are I am either about to order or the items are already on their way!